
How To Install Battery Disconnect Switch On Rv

Do you ain an RV merely don't know what a battery disconnect switch is and when you should utilize information technology?

You're not alone, as this lesser-known feature on many RVs tin can lead to confusion about its proper use to cut off power between your campers 12-volt lights and appliances and the battery banking concern.

To articulate up all the questions you may take about an RV battery disconnect switch, I put all the info right hither where I detail:

  • The purpose of a battery disconnect switch
  • The location of the RV battery disconnect switch
  • How and when to employ the disconnect switch for best results
  • If your RV needs a battery disconnect switch
  • How to install an RV battery disconnect switch

When you lot empathise all the aspects of what a disconnect switch does for your camper, you lot'll be able to use information technology to extend the lifespan of your RV'south batteries!

How Does a Bombardment Disconnect Switch Piece of work?

A man working with a battery disconnect switch

Retrieve of the RV battery disconnect switch as a backward fuse in your electrical breaker box.

Flip it "off" to allow ability to run to outlets, lights, or appliance power boards through the electrical wiring, or flip it "on" to shut down ability flow.

In the example of a bombardment disconnection switch, the power isn't 110-volt like your billow box but instead is the 12-volt ability your RV'southward house batteries generate.

The switch is a convenient style to terminate your batteries' power, reaching power panels and lights inside your RV. When the control is on, it stops any ability from the converter from charging your camper's house battery.

Without the switch, the merely manner to stop ability from going in or out of the RV battery is to disconnect the main battery cable from the posts manually.

Should the Battery Disconnect Be On or Off?

The battery disconnect on-or-off position debate is a hot topic in RV forums, merely the answer is straightforward.

The switch for battery disconnect should exist in the off position virtually of the time.

The confusion many new RVers take about the battery disconnect switch is that the "on" position turns off the 12-volt power flow and that when connected to shore power, they don't retrieve they demand to apply the bombardment for power.

This idea is somewhat true, but most RVs crave both shore ability and 12-volt power to operate sure appliances such every bit the:

  • Refrigerator
  • H2o pump
  • Furnace
  • Some air conditioners

When 120-volt ability isn't available, the current from the 12-volt organization is enough to keep apparatus module boards working and to spark your propane system to fire up to operate the water heater or furnace.

Some appliances may all the same not work if your battery disconnect switch is on and you're onshore ability.

RV refrigerators are notorious for the 12-volt brandish console that must accept ability to trigger the 120-volt-powered compressor to run, so your nutrient stays cold.

Being plugged in at a campground just to take your fridge become kaput because you're having 12-volt bombardment issues is across abrasive.

Some recreational vehicles have lights just wired to the 12-volt system. If you switch on your bombardment disconnect, the lights won't work fifty-fifty if you plug into 120-volt power.

Practise RV Batteries Charge When Plugged Into Shore Power?

An RV batterie charge

Yes, the house battery inside your camper uses shore power to charge.

The converter will take incoming 120-volt power, lower it to a safe level, and then ship it over to accuse your RV battery.

If y'all plow on your battery disconnect switch, y'all're preventing the battery from charging. A dead or low-power bombardment volition cause bug in one case y'all disconnect from shore ability and try to utilize lights or showtime your furnace.

A quality RV converter with several stages is the all-time way to keep your house battery at full charge without worry information technology will eddy over during connexion to shore ability.

When to Use the Battery Disconnect Switch

The simply time you demand to turn off power to the batteries by switching your disconnect "on" is when you lot're storing your RV or not planning to use information technology for over a calendar week.

You may also demand to cut power to the house batteries if working on your RV'due south appliances or electrical system.

12-volt batteries slowly drain downwards over time, even when not actively in use. In that location's typically a parasitic load pulling small amounts of 12-volt power, such as from amplifiers for the TV antenna or carbon monoxide detectors.

Past switching off the power flow, yous can keep your house battery from draining down besides quickly during long periods of non-use, as well equally preventing battery overcharge if y'all plug your RV in during times of storage.

Some people prefer to plug in their RV betwixt uses, just be aware that converters can go bad and lead to bombardment overloads.

A battery that runs down besides low or overcharges will fail, resulting in an expensive replacement or possible impairment to your camper'due south deep-bike batteries if they boil over.

Using the battery cut-off switch is some other tool for proper RV battery maintenance that all owners need to follow.

Should the Disconnect Switch Be on or off While Towing?

Battery power is critical when towing a travel trailer, and so you should never have the disconnect switch in the "on" position while traveling.

If an emergency arises and the trailer unhooks from the tow vehicle, the trailer's electric brakes cannot activate without 12-volt power.

If the disconnect switch is on, the trailer's batteries volition as well non gain charging power from the tow vehicle during travel.

Do Yous Utilize the Battery Disconnect if Your RV Has Solar Panels?

RV solar panels

RVs with solar panels rely on their batteries more than those who spend nigh of their time camping while using shore power.

Many people who prefer dry camping ofttimes install solar panels to allow longer trips off-grid, so keeping house batteries at full charge is crucial.

If you lot turn the battery disconnect switch on, no power will flow from your solar panels to your battery bank.

The best solution for RVs with solar panels is to use a battery tender in conjunction with your solar panel system controller to allow batteries to have in equally much power as possible without the worry of overload.

Where Is the RV Battery Disconnect Switch?

The RV bombardment disconnect switch location depends on the blazon and model of camper you have and whether or not information technology came standard or was an add-on part.

Within the Camper:

Look for labels with "battery" or "battery disconnect" within the RV near a cherry switch.

The switch is ofttimes past your other power panel components or otherwise set in a cabinet or wall in the area most the battery compartment.

Inside the Battery Compartment:

The switch for the battery disconnect is often inside the storage compartment that houses the RV's batteries. Most often, this compartment has an exterior door that is near the rear of your motorhome or travel trailer.

Sometimes batteries on smaller trailers are on the front of the camper above the hitch. The bombardment may be within a metal or thick plastic bin, with the switch on the outside for quick admission.

On the battery banking concern:

On nearly later on-market disconnect switch installation, you'll find the component directly on one of the batteries in the depository financial institution (if you have more one.)

The switch may have a knob or a lever you twist or pull into the "on" position. Depending on the switch'due south design and space on the battery, the controller volition be sitting directly on top or next to the battery's negative or positive terminal.

Depending on the number of firm batteries you have in your camper and how they connect may also determine where to find the switch.

As a general rule, look for the disconnect component in the negative cabling line because this is an fantabulous identify to create a grounding break between the battery and RV chassis.

If yous don't spot the controller after a good search, remember that not all recreational vehicles accept a battery disconnect switch. The good news is that you tin easily install one if yous wish and the disconnect kits are very affordable.

Do You Demand an RV Battery Disconnect Switch?

An RV battery disconnect switch

A battery disconnect switch isn't a requirement, but it certain is a handy manner to:

  • Prevent accidental battery discharge
  • Avoid bombardment overload
  • Maintain the integrity of your RV bombardment
  • Eliminates the hassle of manually detaching battery cables to cut power menstruum

Access to the batteries in many RVs tin can be challenging.

Most RVs accept the batteries inside a solid container bolted to the floor to forbid information technology from tipping over. The batteries are oft fix dorsum into the compartment to allow more than room for storage.

Trying to get into the tight compartment space or lift out a heavy battery from the container to access the cables and posts to control battery ability is not easy, so having a disconnect switch is a much easier pick.

How to Install an RV Bombardment Disconnect Switch

DIYing an RV bombardment disconnection switch isn't complicated, merely if you experience uneasy, rent a professional mechanic to handle the task.

Dealing with even 12-volt power can crusade sparks, shocks, or burns if you lot don't know what you're doing. Use middle and hand protection for DIY installation to be safe.

Some other affair to consider during the switch installation is to spend a few minutes inspecting and cleaning off any debris or corrosion from all your battery terminals to ensure good connections.

Step 1. Buy the Right Switch and Cables for Your RV's Battery Load

Find the voltage output of your firm battery bank and buy a disconnect switch the matches the rating.

If y'all don't buy the right switch, it could fail during use, causing RV electrical bug that you may not immediately blame on a faulty switch.

Depending on the installation location of the new switch, you may need to purchase longer battery cables. Make sure you plan out where your controller is going then you can take everything you demand on manus to consummate the job.

Step 2. Disconnect the RV Battery

An RV battery

Find the cables on disconnect switch posts, and using a wrench, remove the ones that bring power into the battery bank and the i that will attach to your disconnect switch.

For safety, always remove the negative cable first from the battery and reinstall them last to avert shorts.

Bank check out this helpful mail service on where to adhere the disconnect switch in multi-battery RVs.

Step 3. Disconnect the Negative Cablevision Terminal and Wire the Switch

After you lot remove the final from the negative post, y'all can install the cablevision switch betwixt the battery terminal and the line heading into your camper'south converter box.

Follow directions in the specific disconnect switch yous purchase to hook information technology into the cable line. Make certain the control is in the "on" position during the install.

Some disconnect switches are directly installed onto the positive battery post and practice not require mounting, as shown in this video on how to install an RV disconnect switch.

Footstep iv. Mountain the Battery Disconnect Switch in the RV

Before you hook the cables back onto the RV battery, mount the battery cut-off switch in a convenient location so you tin can quickly plough the double-decker batteries on or off.

Many people attach it to a sidewall inside the bombardment compartment. In contrast, others adopt to drill a hole and mountain information technology for admission inside the camper or exterior the big battery housing box on travel trailers.

Step 5. Reattach the Final to the RV Battery Negative Mail service

With the switch in place and mounted, yous now need to take the stop and reattach the final to the negative battery mail service.

Double-check the switch is nonetheless in the "on" position to forbid any power flow until you are ready.

Footstep half-dozen. Reattach the RV Bombardment Cables to the Poles and Test Switch

Lastly, reattach the loose cables to the poles (positive and negative that yous took off) in the proper positions.

Turn the switch to "off" to allow power to run through the battery and test to ensure it's working correctly by seeing if 12-volt lights inside your camper work while not plugged into shore ability.

How to Install an RV Bombardment Disconnect (Video)

Final Thoughts

An RV camping on a beach

The battery disconnect switch is a simple tool to optimize the health and longevity of your camper'due south battery.

The RV battery disconnect switch isn't a complicated feature when you empathise how information technology works and the best time to apply information technology.

I hope this guide clarifies the purpose of the battery cut-off switch and helps yous install 1 if your RV doesn't have i in place.

Everyone wants to spend more time enjoying camping trips, so keeping your RV'southward batteries in acme condition by using a disconnect switch correctly is a smart motility!

"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the backbone to lose sight of the shore."
-- Andre Gide


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