
How To Repair Loose Roof Tiles

How to Repair a Tile Roof

A DIY Guide to Simple Repairs

James Galimidi

Owner at JJ Quality Builders Of The Palm Beaches

Palm Embankment County, Florida

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Table of Contents

  • What You Will Need to Repair a Tile Roof
  • Tile Roof Repair Introduction
  • Identifying Your Tile Roof Trouble
  • Safety and Proper Preparation: Before Y'all Repair a Tile Roof
  • Estimating the Price to Repair a Tile Roof
  • Do-Information technology-Yourself Tile Roof Repairs
    • Small Cracks or Holes
    • Cracked or Cleaved Roof Tile
    • Tile Roof Leaks
  • Fast Ready for a Tile Roof Leak
  • More than Tile Roof Repair Tips
  • Conclusion

What Yous Will Need to Repair a Tile Roof


Caulk Gun (See on Amazon)

Apartment Pry Bar (See on Amazon)

Hammer (See on Amazon)

Roofing Trowel (Run into on Amazon)

Wire Castor (Run across on Amazon)


Plastic Roof Cement, Trowel-Applied (Encounter on Amazon) or

Plastic Roof Cement, Caulk Gun-Applied (See on Amazon)

Sail Metal Flashing (Come across on Amazon)

Replacement Tiles

Tile Roof Repair Introduction

A well-designed roof made with robust materials not simply adds to the splendor of the structure but also provides superior protection confronting the elements.

Despite being relatively expensive and heavy, tile roofs are popular because of their appearance and immovability. People invest in tile roofs because they tin terminal a hundred years or more than.

Broken tiles like these can be replaced by someone who wants to repair a tile roof himself.
Replace broken tiles to preclude roof leaks.

Fired dirt, terracotta, and molded, tinted concrete are standard tile materials. Tile roofs made with these earth minerals tin survive storms, high winds, and even fire. They are energy-efficient, resistant to disuse and insect damage, and provide a low maintenance roof.

Only as with every other textile thing, harm tin can still occur: damage from wind, debris falling on the roof, freezing weather condition, the stresses of snow or water, the estrus of the sun, and even accidental harm caused by humans stepping on them or hitting them while working on or near them.

The damage by and large ends up affecting individual tiles. Often the damaged tiles do non need to be replaced, and some minor adjustment and repair volition be enough.

How much information technology will toll to repair a tile roof will depend on the type of damage and the number of damaged tiles, and also which company yous rent for the job. However, if the issue is not too complicated, some bones knowledge and a steady ladder can help yous solve the problem all by yourself!

Identifying Your Tile Roof Problem

Tile roofs should be visually inspected every 3 months to check for cracks and other damage.

Gutters should be cleaned out monthly and then that no debris can accrue. If a trouble is institute, a fast response is needed since damaged tiles or worn out underlayment can cause leaks which pb to always-increasing water damage to the building. More damage will cost more than to repair.

To solve any problem, the outset step is to properly place the damage and the exact points where the repairs demand to be done.

If you are determined to repair a tile roof without professional person help, some basic knowledge is a must. There could be several reasons for damaged tiles, and issues can result from problems with other parts of the roof.

Common issues with tile roofs that demand attending are:

  • Tiles with minor cracks or holes
  • Broken tiles
  • Build-up of debris in the roof valley
  • Defects in the underlayment

Safety and Proper Preparation: Before You Repair a Tile Roof

Before getting on the roof, you should have leather gloves and protective safety spectacles. A stable, properly set upwards ladder is critical to safely accessing the roof.

See here for guidelines on ladder rubber. When working on roofs, a personal fall arrest system should be used for protection against falling (see hither for information on personal autumn abort systems).

More roof safe information tin exist plant here.

While working on damaged tiles one should exist careful non to damage any other parts of the roof.

The tools and materials that you will be using should be kept within achieve. These items may include a wire brush, nails, wet saw, hammer, mortar, crowbar, glue, roofing cement or plaster, caulk and caulk gun, waterproof membrane, covering felt, and tile roof sealer or terracotta colour.

If a tile needs to be replaced, it should exist replaced with the exact aforementioned type of tile. If y'all don't already have spare matching tiles, they should be bachelor from the original supplier or manufacturer. Trying to forcefulness another type of tile to fit in might cause more damage.

Estimating the Price to Repair a Tile Roof

A DIY tile roof repair can relieve you money on hiring a roofer. But you should likewise have an idea of what the tools and materials will cost.

If you're not sure of this, take some pictures, measure out the roof and the damaged areas, and go to the local home improvement or hardware store and ask them to help with an estimate.

Cost factors will include the extent of the damage (corporeality of textile needed) every bit well equally the brands and quality of the materials you want to use.

If a repair chore is not correctly projected and estimated, y'all will often end upward spending more than than you demand to.

Exercise-Information technology-Yourself Tile Roof Repairs

Different issues crave different solutions. After identifying the trouble, and using proper precaution and the necessary tools, y'all can repair a tile roof in the following ways without professional help:

Modest Cracks or Holes

When there are small cracks and holes in tiles, plastic covering cement can be used to make full in the defects.

  • Outset, clean the damaged area with a wire brush.
  • Utilise plastic roofing cement to make full a hole or to seal or join the crevice.
  • With a trowel, smooth the surface.

Cracked or Broken Roof Tile

When a roof tile is broken and missing a piece, or a crack is so big that a piece of the tile becomes loose, then the tile needs to be replaced.

  • Use a flat pry bar to advisedly lift up the tile (or tiles) just above the cracked or cleaved one. Be careful not to damage them by lifting them too far. Prop them up with blocks of forest.
  • Next use the flat pry bar to lift out the faulty tile. If it doesn't come out, insert a piece of wood beneath the tile to protect the tile beneath it. Utilize a hammer or the flat bar to carefully break the tile and remove the pieces. Using the flat bar, remove the nails that held the damaged tile if you tin. If you can't, use the flat bar and a hammer to bulldoze the nails down into the wood battens or the roof sheathing.
  • At this signal, utilise a bed of roofing cement to the surface area that was covered by the tile that's existence replaced, and slide in the new tile. Nails are not required for the replacement tile; the cement or adhesive should be good enough to hold it.
  • At present gently lower the raised tiles back into place.

If a cracked roof tile cannot be replaced right abroad, a temporary repair can exist made by cutting a piece of roofing felt, waterproof membrane, or flashing strip to size and sticking it over the crack with roof adhesive, completely roofing the damaged area.

This cleaved and dislodged roof tile is an example of something that shouldn't be likewise hard to fix.

Tile Roof Leaks

Leaks are a rather complicated trouble. To solve information technology, you need to identify and repair the source of the leak.

To identify the source of the leak, you should perform a visual inspection of the roof surface.

Before getting upward on the roof, note that wet spots, watermarks, stains, or discolorations on the underside of the roof may be seen in the cranium.

With the attic low-cal turned off, daylight may fifty-fifty be seen through the hole. This volition give yous an idea equally to where to look on the roof.

If you still can't observe information technology, run water onto the roof with a hose, and water from the leak should appear in the attic.

If you tin identify a hole every bit the source of the leak, push button a nail or a piece of thin wire through the hole from below to marker it for when you lot are on the roof.

  • Utilise a apartment pry bar to elevator up the tiles effectually the leak.
  • Using roofing cement, fill the hole.
  • Replace the tile if broken or cracked.
  • If there is long-term water damage to the supporting roof construction that has acquired sagging, the forest capsule and rafters underneath the roof tiles probably need to be fixed first. Contact a covering contractor.

Fast Ready for a Tile Roof Leak

A roof leak due to a pigsty in the tile tin can sometimes exist temporarily fixed with sheet metal flashing, commonly available at hardware stores.

  • Have a 12-by-12-inch piece of galvanized canvas metal flashing.
  • Lift the damaged tile with one paw and cover the pigsty by pushing the metal flashing piece upwards nether the tile. Set the piece of metal in flashing cement to concur information technology in identify.

More Tile Roof Repair Tips

  • If you know in that location's a problem with your roof, merely y'all're not exactly sure what needs to be done to fix information technology, you can call a professional roofer for an inspection and detailed quote, free of charge. The roofer should exist able to give you lot a good idea as to what needs to be done.
  • Condom is a must! Rubber-soled shoes are great for proficient traction on the roof. Utilise a safety harness. Don't work alone. Be conscientious on the ladder and have someone to agree it steady for yous. Tie the ladder off to prevent it from slipping.
  • Avert working in freezing common cold or rain.
  • Do non work on a roof if at that place are thunderstorms in the expanse.
  • Carefully dispose of whatsoever broken or loose tile.
  • A putty pocketknife can exist used to apply covering cement to small cracks or holes.


Even one single broken tile can create havoc by causing water leaks or sunday damage to waterproof underlayment. Steps should be taken earlier the damage is washed.

Making your own repairs may be a good way to save coin when the problem is fairly elementary.

For more serious issues with your tile roof, find a qualified roofer to make the repairs every bit soon as you can; otherwise worse things may happen, including severe structural damage.

Related Pages

  • Building Codes and Roofs
  • Dirt Tile Roofing
  • Concrete Tile Roofing
  • Roof Inspection
  • Roof Maintenance
  • Roof Tile Manufacturers

How To Repair Loose Roof Tiles,


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